AOS Bulletin — root
What are Spices?
alleppey turmeric aromatic black pepper Cardamom cinnamon cloves curcumin ginger Indian spices nutmeg pepper peppercorns pungent root spices turmeric turmeric powder vegetables
ThoughtAxis Solutions Private Limited

Let us start with the dictionary definition of SPICES. "Spices are an Aromatic or pungent vegetable substances used to flavour food" How did it the usage of spices start? Millions of years ago, humans co-evolved with the flowering plants in the world around them. For early humans, the basic use of the spices were as a flavour enhancers. Hunters and gatherers of early ages wrapped the meat with leaves of bushes accidentally discovering that it enhanced the flavour of the meat. It was the same reason for using nuts, roots, pods, flowers, berries and barks. They started using the spices...